Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 19 - Sorel to Montreal, Quebec

Shortly after having left Sorel, we were passed by a large hydrafoil of the Canadian Coast Guard. According to the Marine Traffic app on my phone, it was traveling at 38 mph. The next ship going outbound was a Dutch ship with Delftzijl as its home port. Later we were passed by a Great Lakes bulk carrier. Even with a very strong current, it still was able to pass us at about 13 mph. With the wind and current we were battling, we often would only be able to travel at 7 to 8 mph. Since it was so windy and hot, we went down to the main cabin and piloted the boat from there.

Every so often we passed small towns with the silver steeple of the local Roman Catholic church. The houses along the river bank were quite attractive and had a French feel to them. When we came closer to Montreal, we saw a large twin spired church - very attractive.

The winds kept getting stronger and the waves became larger, all with white caps. Spray at times reached our flybridge area. The closer we came to Vieux Port of Montreal, the darker it became and lightning started. We entered the harbor and as we tied up, it started pouring. As you can well imagine, we were very happy to be safe and sound, tied up in a port with great protection all around. After the storm had passed, we took a taxi to a large grocery store and restocked. Dinner that evening was pizza.

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