Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 23 - Morrisburg, ON to Alexandria Bay, NY

Wanting to be sure to catch an early
lock through, we left at 7:30 a.m. We got to the last of the seven locks at 9:00 a.m. Since a laker was also required locking, it had priority over the recreational craft. The process went fast and at 10:00 a.m. we went through with just one other boat.
The difference was just 6 inches and after paying the $30 locking fee, we were off for the 1000 Island area of Ontario. We passed the city of Brockville where we spent a nights on our last Great Loop trip. We passed many small islands, some
with homes, others with lighthouses and then two islands with castles. The first one we passed was the Singer Castle. It was built some 100 years ago for Commodore Frederick Gilbert Bourne. As I understand it, he was the marketing

 manager for the Singer Corporation. He came up with the idea of selling sewing machines for a dollar down and a dollar a week. The other castle was Boldt Castle built in 1900 by George Boldt as a present for his wife. When she died,
just months before the completion of the castle, he had all worked stopped and the castle stayed vacant. Today both castle can be visited. Overnight tie up was in the center of Alexandria Bay, on the US side of the border. Here we also took on 150 gallons of diesel fuel.

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