Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29 - Bobcaygeon to Bolsover, Ontario

At 9:00 a.m. the swing bridge went open. Once through it, we entered Lock 32. Dave and Cathy Lasenby were right behind us. After locking through, we cruised via Sturgeon Lake to Fenelon Falls. The lock was right in center of town. After the
locking process, we tied up and    
walked to the nearby government run liquor store. It is only in these government run places that one can purchase wine, liquor, etc. Costs were much higher then those back home. One more lock was passed and then we had a very narrow channel that lead us to
the Kirkfield Lift Lock. This was the first place where we would go down - all other locks only took us up. As we entered the box, I had a great view of the river below. A small boat shared our box. The ride down went fast and smooth. Once at the level of the river, the door was opened and we could proceed. After reaching Bolsover, we checked in at a small marina for overnight - giving our generator needed rest.

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