Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 21 - Montreal to Salaberry de Valleyfield

This morning we departed Montreal and cruised the short distance to the first of seven St Lawrence Seaway locks. The current was very strong and within minutes we were being pushed along 3 to 4 miles faster then normal. Soon we had to turn into the channel leading up to the lock. A number of boats were waiting for the lock doors to open. When they did, we were assigned to the wall position and other smaller boats were rafted off our boat. After all boats were secure, the doors closed and water came up from various spots in the chamber.

Once the proper level was reached, the doors on the other side of the lock opened and we could proceed to the next lock. Today we passed through four locks. As we cruised from lock to lock, we saw many navigation signals and signs - all helping ships stay in the proper channels. Again we saw a number of churches with silver painted spires and domes - some even had the roof painted silver. We tied up at a marina in Salaberry de Valleyfield. The town looked very interesting and hopefully we'll be able to visit it during a future car trip.

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