Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 14 and 15 - Shelburne, VT

We had arrived in the Burlington VT area on Saturday afternoon. Since we were not able to find a marina, we anchored out in Shelburne Bay. Our appointment with Shelburne Shipyard was scheduled for Monday. Thus Sunday was a full day at leisure. On Monday morning we left our anchorage and 15 minutes later we arrived at the shipyard. The first order of the day was to check the dripless shaft seal. The problem was very minor and it was suggested that this could be a maintenance item for this coming winter. Next came the raising of the mast. It was taken down so we could clear the 17 ft. bridges between Troy on the Hudson River and Lake Champlain. We had it back in place within minutes. Next the wires for the various lights had to be pulled through and had to be hooked up. After some trial and error, we got all to work. The most difficult part was hooking up the radar. We could not get it to work and ended up checking out the radar unit, the display unit and the cables. It seems that a small part was broke and we are now waiting for the delivery of this item - promised for Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

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