Monday, July 29, 2013

July 28 - Lock 25 to Bobcaygeon, Ontario

We had a great day! It started with an unexpected visit from Nick Cliteur from nearby Lakefield ON. Nick had with him 4 coffees, 2 for Thressa and I and the other 2 for Warren and Kristin. We had met Nick and his wife Heather at one of the locks. Soon we found that we had Dutch heritage in common. At 8:45 a.m. we said goodbye to our friends and continued to Lock 26 near Lakefield. At 9:00 a.m. we were locked through and soon thereafter we could see Nick, Heather and their son waving to us from their lovely home.
This morning we cruised through some of the most picturesque areas of Ontario. A number of the small islands had homes or cottages - some taking more then half of the island space. One small island had a church. Instead of coming to church by car, the parishioners arrived by boat. A service was taking place and we could see all the small boats rafted together. Had there been a dock for cruisers, we would have joined. Instead we attended a "television service" with Rev. David Jeremiah.  Later in the morning we were welcomed by a group of happy swimmers.
Towards 4:00 p.m. we arrived in the town of Bobcaygeon. Rather then going through its lock, we decided to tie up right in the middle of town. On the other side someone was waving and shouting. It turned out to be Dave Lasenby from Orillia. We had met David and Cathy seven years ago at a lock and discussed with them the Great Loop. The following year we again met them at an AGLCA rendezvous in Penetang. We visited with Dave and Cathy and then went out for dinner. The picture below is their boat which was visited by a crane.  

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