Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11 - Catskill to Waterford, NY

We returned to the Hudson River and continued our trip northward. The current was with us and gave us a good boost. After passing many small towns, many with interesting old Dutch names, we came to Albany, the capitol of New York State. This city had its start as Fort Orange. At nearby Troy, we went through our first lock. The difference between the two sides was 14 ft. The spillway dumped a lot of water into the Hudson, much coming from the Erie Canal. Soon afterwards we came to the turnoff for the Erie Canal. 

There were many boats waiting for the Erie Canal to reopen - some have already waited three weeks. We understand it may take another two weeks and it is the reason why we are going via the St. Lawrence. Also waiting to lock through is the Halve Maen, a replica of Henry Hudson's ship.

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