Friday, July 5, 2013

July 4 - New York, NY

Happy 4th of July. It was a great day for all New Yorkers, hot and sunny. Neil went to explore New York City, Thressa did the laundry and Henk cleaned the boat.

All around the marina were various parties, most family oriented. The clipper ship Mystic, from Mystic CT, arrived around noon time. It hosted a large corporate event.

The smell of food being grilled was present all over the marina. Outside of the marina thousands of people were claiming space from where they could watch the fireworks. Even some of the police officers took along their grill.

Around 7:00 p.m. fireboats came up the river spouting water - red, white and blue. Next came four barges, all pushed by large tugs. As you can see, from the picture, Macy's was the sponsor of the fireworks. One barge was in front of our marina, two more just north and the fourth bage just south. We had front row seats, seeing the fireworks from three of the four barges. The firework display lasted around 25 minutes and was fabulous. This experience will not soon be forgotten.

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