Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 10 - Kingston to Catskill, NY

Yesterday afternoon we rented a small car - allowing us to do our shopping and sightseeing. Kingston is a delightful old town with many signs of its Dutch heritage. Before returning the car, we toured the downtown area and stopped at the old Dutch Reformed Church with its historic cemetery. This afternoon, 

after waiting out heavy rain showers, we returned to the Hudson River for the short trip to Catskill. Along both banks of the river one could see passenger and freight trains going and coming from New York. We arrived in Catskill at 5:00 p.m. After tying up, we met our neighbors - Janet and Friedbert Becker from Lexington, KY. The Beckers had been waiting for more then two weeks for the Erie Canal to open. While chatting about the possibilities of taking their sailboat to Lake Ontario via the St. Lawrence, Janet mentioned that the name Witte was something she had heard before. A few minutes later, she asked if I knew of Witte Travel. When I told her that I was the founder and president, she told me that she was involved in arranging a study tour of Northern Ireland for Eastern Kentucky University in 1996 and did this with the help of Witte Travel. What a small world!

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