Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 4 - St. Augustine to Jacksonville, FL

As we continued our northward cruise, we had one last view of the Castillo de San Marcos
and the cross that marks the place where the first Easter Mass was held in the New World. We cruised along the ICW as it winds through the marshes and the side channels. The ICW in this area includes the 10 mile Palm Valley Cut. We passed Jacksonville Beach where Ponce de Leon landed in the 1500s in his search for the Fountain of Youth. At the junction with the St Johns River, we left the ICW and headed westward to Jacksonville. Here we passed by a number of very large freighters and a passenger ship belonging to Carnival Cruises. Around 4:00 p.m. we tied up at Jacksonville Landing, a marketplace with many stores and restaurants in the very center of town. Docking is free for recreational boats for not more then 3 days. However no water or power is provided. On Sunday we will move the boat to a nearby marina. Then on Tuesday morning we'll fly back to Grand Rapids to celebrate my mother's 90th birthday. We will be back in Jacksonville on February 14 and and will continue the trip on the 15th. Therefore no more postings until then.

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