Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 2 and 3 - St. Augustine, FL

We had two full days to explore St. Augustine. We started out with a "train tour" of the city that allowed us to get off at interesting stops and  reboard later. The church to the left is the First Presbyterian Church which was built by Henry Flagler. Henry Flagler is a well known name in Florida - he was responsible for buiding train tracks to Key West and various deluxe hotels. Two of them were built in St. Augustine and now serve as Flagler College and the other one as a museum. It is said that he alone was responsible for making Florida a popular tourist destination. We also stopped to see the "Old Senator", an oak tree that is more then 600 year old. On Friday we joined Helmut and Hilma Sanft for a delicious lunch at their favourite restaurant and at 4:00 p.m. we had another visitor - Sue Davis. Sue is a sister of Pat Tolle, one of my colleagues at Witte Travel. Sue and Pat will be joining 
Thressa and I on our one-week Netherlands Waterway Cruise. The picture to the right is the famous Lions Bridge. And yes, we also visited
"Ripley, Believe it or not". Inside one could see many strange items, like three headed chickens and much more. One of the intersting items was a large ferris wheel made out of erector sets. On Friday  
evening was the once monthly Art Walk. We joined many residents on visiting a number of art galleries - it was lots of fun.  

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