Monday, February 20, 2012

February 18 and 19 - Savannah, GA

Thressa and I spent most of the day doing chores. I gave the boat a good cleaning and Thressa did the laundry. Around mid-afternoon brother John and his wife Lynda arrived. They will be spending a week with us. After unpacking and a walk through the picturesque Isle of Hope, we had a delicious dinner along with a good glas of wine. It started to rain around 7:00 p.m. and it did not let up until 10:00 a.m.  Rain was forecast for the entire the day. Because of this, we decided to go to Jekyll Island where the chance of rain was less then in Savannah. It was fun to see up  close the buildings we had earlier seen from our boat. Many of the "cottages" belonged to influential men who met in secret to discuss the US monetary system, discussions that led to the formation of the Federal Reserve System. The weather was quite pleasant and the rain showers had passed. Before leaving, John and Henk rersted on the Rockefeller cottage porch. On the way back  to Savannah, we made a detour to visit Brunswick, GA. Thressa and I stayed in this town while doing our first Great Loop in 2005/06.

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