Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 20 - Savannah, GA

Today was set aside for exploring the historic areas of  Savannah. Since repairs were scheduled for the generator, Henk stayed behind while Thressa, Lynda and John drove to the center of Savannah. They started with a bus tour through this interesting and picturesque city. Both Lynda and Thressa had just finished reading the book "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", and  were therefore very interested in seeing some places described in the book. The red house above is the home described in the book in which the murder took place.
While on tour, Forrest Gump came  onboard. Around 12:30 p.m. Henk called John with a request to be picked-up. Lynda and  and Thressa continued their tour with a visit to the river front. Here one can find many restaurants and various souvenir shops. Later we all returned to the river front for a visit to one of the pubs. From where we sat,
we could see some very large container ships coming into port. This evening's dinner was in an English pub called "Six Pence Pub". After dinner and a stop at the Publix grocery store, we returned to the Marco Polo II. Tomorrow it's on to Hilton Head.  

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