Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 25 and 26 - Charleston, SC

We had the entire day to explore Charleston - not enough time to see it all. We walked along East Battery, Waterfront Park and explored the old town with its interesting streets, alleys, historic homes, churches and City Market. There were many art galleries, stores and great restaurants. When we arrived in Charleston, we ate at a famous seafood
restaurant. The food was fantastic. During the last night of our Charleston stay, we ate at Magnolia, another great restaurant. Saturday morning was spent exploring the Old Town. In the afternoon we split up, John went to visit some art galleries, Lynda and Thressa returned to City Market and Henk went back to the boat. On Sunday we decided to drive
to the Magnolia Plantation, famous for 
its gardens. The house seen to the right is the third one built at this spot. The first one was built in the 1600s. After burning down in the beginning of the 1800s, a second house was built. It in turn was burned down by Union troops during the Civil War. After the war, the house was rebuilt in the present form. Since the family lost most of their wealth during the war, they decided to open the gardens for tourist like us. We started with a visit to the slave quarters. One of these shacks was occupied until 1990s.  After our visit, we returned to the Marco Polo II. From our boat we had a great view of a US Navy ship along with three Canadian frigates. John and Lynda also packed up since they were leaving early in the morning for the drive back home.

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