Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 16 - St. Marys to Sunbury Channel, GA

The first interesting place we passed was the Kings Bay Submarine Base, home to Trident-class submarines. As you can imagine, the place was off limit and guarded.  Near the St Andrews Sound we passed an old lighthouse. On the other side was Jekyll Island, the one-time winter home of the rich and famous such as the Astors, Rockefellers, Goodyears, Vanderbilts and the Goulds. During World War II
a German sudmarine sank an oil tanker in St. Simons Sound. Fearing a possible invasion, the government ordered the Coast Guard to evacuate the island. In 1947 the state of Georgia purchased the island, The homes, cottages, the club, golf courses and the hotel are still there and most can be visited. We had planned to spend the
night "on the hook". We made better time then  planned and decided to press on to Sunbury Crab Co, a restaurant with docking facilities. Since this marina was not listed on our electronic chart, I had to find the river on which it was locatded. I found the Sunbury Creek and we proceeded there just as the sun set. By the time we were in the creek, it was pitch dark and no sign of a restaurant. I called the restaurant/marina for details as to their location and was told that they were located a bit further to the north - in Sunbury Channel. We turned around in the pitch dark and ran aground. Low tide was setting in and before long our boat was high and dry. We were completely surrounded by mud and leaned about 20 to 30 degrees. BoatUS was called and we discussed what course of action we should follow. They suggested that they come out at 1:00 a.m. since it was then high tide. At the agreed upon time, we were pulled out and towed to Sunbury Channel where we finally docked at Sunbury Crab Co.

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