Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 1 - Daytona Beach to St. Augustine, FL

Another fabulous day! Today's cruise was just over 50 miles, a very easy day. As can be seen from the picture to the left, this Daytona Beach bridge had very nice mosaics in the support columns. The surprise for today was seeing four wild swines, two of which can be seen here. We also passed more attractive cottages and homes. As we got closer to St Augustine, we passed Fort Matanzas. The english translation of this name is massacre. It was so named to commemorate the killing of 300 French Huguenots by Spanish soldiers in 1565. Around 3:00 p.m. we could see the St Augustine Light House and shortly thereafter the Bridge of Lions and the old city center of St. Augustine. Our marina was located just south of the bridge, right in the center of the old town. Shortly
after our arrival, we had visitors. My brother Paul and his wife Karen were on vacation in Orlando and decided to join us for dinner. We had a great time. 

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