Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 8 - Coinjock, NC to Portsmouth, VA

Our last day of cruising took us from Coinjock to the Virginia Cut and on to the Great Bridge Lock. We were locked through with a tug that had been cruising with us for a few hours. In the early after- 
noon we arrived in the greater Portsmouth and Norfolk area.  Here we saw a bridge being constructed across the Elizabeth River.  After a delay of just over one hour, we cleared the Gilmerton Bridge. After  
this delay, things went much better. We passed naval yards with decommisioned ships, including an aircraft carrier. Next stop was at the Ocean Marine Yacht Center where our boat will be stored until mid June. Across from the marina one could see a number of Navy vessels in for repairs/updating. In a few days our boat will be pulled out of the water and placed on "the hard." It's been a great trip thus far and we look forward to resuming our Great Loop trip around the third week of June. At that time we will resume publishing our blog. Until then!

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