Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 6 - Belhaven to Alligator River Marina

The wind was way down, what a difference from yesterday afternoon and evening. We followed the Pungo River to the start of the Alligator River-Pungo River Canal, a 21 mile stretch through marshes and forests. During 2003, Hurricane Isabel brought water levels up to the 60 ft vertical clearance line on the bridge (see above) tide board. Shortly after having entered the canal, a boat passed at high speed. All of a sudden it stopped and shortly thereafter they called us for assistance. It seems they had hit a log and
were taking on water. So that the boat would not sink, they ran it aground. At their request, we stayed close until the Coast Guard arrived. After the canal section, the Alligator River became much wider and ended up flowing into the Albemarle Sound. After going through the Alligator River Swing Bridge, we docked at the nearby Aligator River Marina. The marina was in the process of opening up for the season.

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