Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 3 - Swan Point to Beaufort, NC

We tried once again to find someone so that we could pay our dockage fee. The only living thing around was this bird. Thus we had a freeby! Our route took us along  the New River, with occasional views of the Atlantic, to Swansboro and on to Beaufort. At two spots the Corps of Engineers was hard at work with dredging the ICW. The weather was not great - lots of wind and rain. After boating through Morehead City, we came to Beaufort, a town that was incorporated in 1722. We docked at the very centrally located Beaufort Docks. Six years ago we greatly enjoyed exploring this historic city, this however was not the case this year. The weather was horrible and the forecast for tomorrow even worse. We ate onboard and played a couple games of gin. Thressa won both games. It continued to rain all night.

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