Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 1 - Myrtle Beach to Southport, NC

After clearing this swing bridge, we continued our trip to the north - and into a colder region then what we have been used to. The distance to be covered was only 45 mi. Weather started with grey skies, then some sunshine and later back to partial cloudy skies with lots of wind. As we cruised along the ICW, we came past a number of inlets, allowing us
to see the Atlantic Ocean. There were also stretches with many large homes with boat docks and boat lifts. In view of the difference between high and low tide, docks and boat lifts are often a long way from shore with long wooden walkways connecting them. In the early afternoon we arrived at Deep Point Marina, just a few miles north of Southport. The marina was off the Cape Fear River, connecting Wilmington with the Atlantic. We saw a number of ocean going vessels pass our marina. After "pumping out", we continued to our slip. The harbour also served as a terminal for a couple ferries.

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