Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 20, 2013 - Looping Again

In March, 2012, we left the Marco Polo II at Ocean Marine in Portsmouth, VA. Plans were to continue the trip around June 15 of that year. Quadruple by-pass heart surgery changed of all of those plans. Here we are, one year later and we are ready to start the last part of our Great Loop trip. We left Grand Rapids on June 12 and drove to Portsmouth, VA. A number of items had to be completed before we were ready to start the trip. This included cleaning the interior, water proofing the canvas, some minor repairs, stocking the boat with all sorts of food and drinks, etc. The day has finally arrived and today we are ready for our trip northward on the Chesapeake to an anchorage at Gwynns Island, VA. Thressa's sister Win and her husband John Hall are joining us for about four days.
Before leaving, we had to fill up on water and fuel and of course a group picture had to be made. From let to right are John and Win Hall and Thressa and Henk Witte. Wind was out of the east, not something I prefer, but when we heard that the waves were estimated to be a round 2 ft, we decided to proceed. Below you can see some of the Navy ships stationed in Norfolk. After bypassing the Navy fleet, we headed straight north and at about 6:00 p.m. we reached our anchorage. Dinner tonight was a ceasar's salad, a delicious lasagna, and peaches for desert.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the Marco Polo crew for their successful return to the high seas! I'm particularly pleased to see the return of the menu updates...and I assume the lasagna and salad were 'heart healthy'!

    Be well!
    -son John
