Friday, October 28, 2011

October 27 - Columbus MS to Anchorage (Mile 287.4)

This morning we said farewell to our Michigan friends and headed back to the Tom Bigbee. Before astarting out, we called the Stennis Lock to check how long we would need to wait before locking down. We were told to figure on a 45 minutes wait.

Around lunch time we arrived at the Bevill Lock and Dam. Before locking down, we visited the 108 foot snagboat Montgomery. This boat was used to clean the rivers of floating debris such as trees, etc. Nearby is the Tom Bevill Resource Management & Visitors Center, housed in a replica of a southern style mansion. If you are ever in the area, be sure to visit these two attractions. After our visit, we locked through and continued to our anchorage for the night.

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