Friday, October 21, 2011

October 19 - Grand Rivers KY to New Johnsonville TN

We had hoped for sunny weather, but it turned out to be cold, dark, windy and rainy. We left the marina around 9:00 a.m. and cruised from Barclay Lake to the Tennessee River. The northern end of the river, just south of the Kentucky Dam and Locks, is very wide. Due to the stong wind, waves were between 3 and 4 footers. It was so cold that we decided to leave the flybridge and steer the boat from from the lower helm in the warm
main cabin. Windows steamed up and needed to be continually wiped. River traffic was light, we however did meet a few tow boats. Virginia, a avid birder, spotted many birds, including bald eagles. At one point we came to a bridge to no where. If not mistaken, it used to cross the Tennessee. After the TVA project flooded the area, the bridge was dismantled and now has just two spans - great for fishing. Arrival at Pebble Bay Marina in New Johnsonville TN was around 5:30 p.m. Helping us with docking was Ron Redder from Grand Rapids, MI. Ron and Karlene are friends of friends and are also doing the Great Loop trip. Dinner was at the marina restaurant.

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