Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 17 - Grand Rivers, KY

After a break of more then a month, we returned to Green Turtle Bay Marina in Grand Rivers KY. For the coming week, I am being joined by our friends Sue Schuitema and Ed and Virginia Hoezee. When we boarded our boat, the Marco Polo II, we noticed a strange smell. Soon we found out the refrigerator was not working and a lot of food had spoiled. Since work had been done on our boat, we figured that the workers made a mistake and turned off the power switch. After making a report of this problem, we cleaned up the mess and soon thereafter drove to Paducah to return the car we had rented for the trip from Michigan to Kentucky. Ed drove the rental and I drove a marina courtesy van. After dropping off the car, we stopped at a grocery store, had dinner and drove back to Grand Rivers. By the time we arrived back on board, it was 11:00 p.m. After a glass of wine, we all turned in - it had been a very long day.

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