Monday, October 24, 2011

October 21 - Clifton TN - Iuka MS

Last night we got together with Ron and Karlene Redder from Kentwood, MI. We had a great time time together and later had dinner in the marina rerstaurant. This morning we had thick fog over the river that delayed our departure. Once under way, we had another fantastic day on the Tennessee.  After the fog burned off, we had beautiful blue skies and warm sunshine. The fall colors were just starting to show. Many cottages and some palatial homes line the river. Since spring time floods can be quite severe, homes near the river are built on stilts. The one shown here has the main floor on the third level. Even though you have a great view, it has to be a pain climbing the stairs with groceries. To the right one of the palatial homes. Towards the late afternoon we locked through the Pickwick Lock and Dam and continued to Grand Harbor Marina in Iuka, TN. We are spending two nights at this great marina.

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