Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 8 -Joliet to Ottawa

 We were advised to call the lockmaster at 8:30 a.m. to find out when we could be locked through. Soon afterwards we left Joliet and cruised the short distance to the lock. The Brandon Road Lock allowed us to tie up to a bollard for the 34 ft drop. This requires one to tie up from the mid ship cleat to the bollard, eliminating the need of having two persons holding on to lines for the ride down. After cruising 15 miles, we came to the Dresden Island Lock and Dam - a drop of 22 ft. We next passed Morris, IL and continued to yet another lock at Marseilles, IL. This one took us down another 24 ft. Enroute we passed some floating cottages.

Sid Tilstra, the captain of "Something Special", had arranged for our mini-flotilla of three boats to be docked at Heritage Harbor Ottawa. This marina is part of a riverside housing development. As we came to the fuel dock, our bow thruster started to act up once again. With a rather strong cross wind, docking ended up being more difficult then what we had hoped for. We however made it. After having had the holding tank pumped out, we continued on to our assigned slip. Around 5:00 p.m. we got together on board "Something Special" for our coctail hour. Dinner that evening was at Tracy's Boat House. While waitng for our meal, Sheli and Evelyn burst out in song - singing "Oh Canada". I do not think we will send them on a concert tour.

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