Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 13 - Alton, IL

Sheli, Steve and Henk spent the entire morning cleaning the boat. Sheli and Steve took care of the outside and Henk took the responsibility of cleaning the inside. We also used the marina laundromat, changed bed linnens, dusted and washed the windows. I can assure you that the boat looked like new.

At 1:00 p.m. Herman, Carrie and Len arrived. After a number of photos, we said good bye to Sheli and Steve. They were planning to make the return to Grand Rapids, MI by early evening.

After our new crew got settled in, we made a list of what was needed for the coming days. A small neighborhood store picked up the new crew and brought them back to the marina. The total cost for food and drink was just over $50. Dinner that evening was at a nearby restaurant.

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