Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 16 - Cape Girardeau, MO to Metropolis, IL

Little River Diversion Channel, just south of Cape Girardeau, is an excellent anchorage. We were not bothered by river traffic or wave action from the tow boats.

After cruising some 50 miles, we turned on to the Ohio River. Instead of going down - stream, we were now going upstream.
We passed the Olmsted Lock. Six years ago they were working on this dam and now the completion date has been moved to "indefinite".

We continued to Fort Massac Boat Ramp and Dock, a few miles east of Metropolis, IL. Six years ago the dock could accommodate at least three boats, now barely one. 
After having secured our boat for the night, we took a walk to Fort Massac. Several forts representing claims by Spanish, French and British have stood at the spot now occupied by Fort Massac. The explorer Meriwether Lewis stopped here to   re-provision while on his trip to the west. The fort we see today is much like the way it looked during Lewis and Clark's time

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