Friday, June 20, 2014

June 18 - Gore Bay, Ontario to De Tour, Michigan

This morning we went to the fuel
dock to pay for the overnight charges and use the balance of our Canadian funds for diesel. The attendant had fun in counting out about CAD$ 18 in change. As we pulled out of Gore Bay, we saw a resort without any sign of activity. Either it was not

open, or it was For Sale. Soon we were able to set course for Drummond Island, a trip of about 7 hours. As we cruised along, we had radio contact with a couple of boats doing the Great Loop.
Arrival in Drummond Island was at 5:30 p.m., just in time to clear US Customs.

Had we arrived 15 minutes later, we would have had to wait until the next morning. Two officers came onboard to check our passport and boat documents. After answering some questions, we were given the OK to proceed and the officers went home. All of this took about 10 minutes. We decided to continue to nearby De Tour for the overnight. From our marina, on the shores of the St. Mary, we could see a number of freighters and lakers going to and from the Sioux.

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