Monday, June 16, 2014

June 11 - 14 Penatanguishene, Ontario

Wednesday turned out to be more of a fall then a summer day. We had lots of rain and strong winds. A number of minor jobs were completed, including grocery shopping. We spent some time with the marina staff to review items that needed completion. As we went along, a few more jobs were added. A lot of time was spent trying to get our Direct TV to work. This is very frustrating since Canada blocks all calls to Direct TV in order to protect the "home markets". It now looks that we will not be able to restart our service until we are back in the USA. This evening Thressa beat me at cards.

Thursday was a copy of Wednesday - strong winds, rain and no sun. Thressa spent part of the day preparing various dishes that can be frozen until required. I spent time cleaning the boat's flybridge and aft-deck. Part of the afternoon was spent reading a good book and this evening we decided to watch a movie.

Lots of activities this Friday. A few leaks in the forward hatch and one of the aft windows were fixed. Our new radio antenna was installed, various light bulbs were replaced, and new fenders were pumped up. We also had some excitement - one of our heavy duty electric cords (30 V) started burning at the dock hookup. The electrician had spotted the smoke and managed to pull the cord out in time. We also went on another shopping run since tomorrow was to be our departure for Killarney. The weather had improved somewhat - sun with strong winds. We played another game of cards - Thressa won again.

Saturday was cold and very windy. Since the forecast for Sunday was much better, we decided to postpone our departure by one more day. We had some Canadian boaters stop by to see our boat, all agreed we had a beauty. Lots of reading and early to bed since we had a long trip ahead of us.

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