Monday, January 23, 2012

January 15 through 22 - Ft Lauderdale, FL

We have enjoyed our stay in Ft Lauderdale. From our boat we were able to see many super yachts being pulled by  small tugs to a storage area for these expensive toys. A number of times we saw people on surf boards picking up floating trash - this might be a good idea for the rivers and lakes back home. Thressa and I also decided to have dinner at the Ft Lauderdale Institute for Culinary Arts. It was delicious!

The students came from various states and countries. Some students, like our waiter, were in their mid 30's. During our stay we were visited by Arlin and Jo Maas, friends from Grand Rapids, MI. They spend the winter in nearby Palm Beach. This past Saturday Stu and Nel Vander Heide arrived and joined our crew. Stu and Nel will be with us for the coming week. On Sunday we attended services at the historic First Presbyterian Church of Ft Lauderdale and in the afternoon we went sightseeing.  One of our stops was a park near the harbor entrance. From here we could see the departure of a number of large ships. We finished the day at the 15th Str. Fisheries. While waiting for our order to arrive, Stu and Henk watched the feeding of the fish in front of this restaurant. Some of the fish were 4 to 5 ft long.    


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