Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 11 - Marathon, FL

When we cruised from our anchorage at Little Shark River to Marathon, we felt an unusual vibration that started at about 1400 rpm. Later this vibration was only felt when cruising at about 1800 rpm. Since we had not hit anything, we thought that a rope or some other debris might have become entangled in the prop or drive shaft.  The only way to find out was to locate a diver. We finally found Barnacle Bill, a 70 year old man who dives daily. Bill cleaned off some barnacles from our prop and replaced a worn-out zinc. This took care of the problem. While Henk was waiting for the diver, Thressa, Nate and Debbie 
went to visit the Turtle Hospital. Here injured or sick turtles are brought for treatment. When possible, turtles are later released to their natural enviroment. In the late afternoon we visited the condo where Kirk and Lynne Rottschafer were staying .                                   

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