Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7 - Panama City to Apalachicola

After a good night's sleep, we were off again. Our trip had no surprises, all pretty much the same as the past days. At the village of White City we went from the Central Time to the Eastern Time zone. Upon arrival in Apalachicola, we were assisted in tying up by Loopers whom we had met the night before. With them we discussed our plans for tomorrow - to go to Carrabelle and start the crossing of the Gulf of Mexico to Tarpon Springs FL on Wednesday evening. The other option was to spend Tuesday in Apalachicola and leave for the night crossing during the late afternoon. We decided to wait with a final decision until having heard tomorrow's morning weather forecast. Rather then eating onboard, we enjoyed a fish dinner at one of the many good restaurants in this small historic port.

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