Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 8 and 9 - Apalachicola to Tarpon Springs FL

After giving the boat a good cleaning, both in and out, I spent some time cathing up with the blog. Also checked various weather forecasts and discussed the pros and cons with some of the locals about leaving this evening for our  crossing to Tarpon Springs. It was decided that this evening would be best. The forescast was two to three foot waves and an easterly wind diminshing to 10 miles per hour. We left at 5:00 p.m. and had a pleasant cruise to the Government Cut. Here we entered the Gulf of Mexico. We set a heading for Tarpon Springs, a distance of about 140 miles, with a projected arrival for 8:30 a.m. This would then give the required daylight required to spot the many crab pot markers (different colored floating balls). The first 20 miles were quite alright, but then the situation grew worse and worse. After having covered 50 to 60 miles, Ray became very, very sea sick. To lessen the roll of the boat , I changed course and went from a southeast heading to a easterly course. Waves ranged from four to five feet and winds were

around 15 to 20 miles per hour. Going right into the waves created spray that hit the flybridge. We could not go down to the main cabin, too dangerous. At 5:00 a.m. we had to change course again and as the sun came up, the weather finally improved. We passed a patrolling Coast Guard cutter, dodged many crab pot markers and finally we arrived in Tarpon Springs - about three hours later then planned. Marco Polo was covered with a salty residue from the waves and spray. A good rinse took care of that problem. Our stomachs also needed tender loving care - we had not had dinner or breakfast. After lunch, a shower and a short nap, we were back to normal. The General Manager of our marina had been out fishing and shared some of the catch with us. How delicious it was! This evening we'll try to catch up on the lost sleep.

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