Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back at it again...

In September 2005 we started our Great Loop Trip by crossing Lake Michigan to Racine, WI. We next cruised via Chicago, the Illinois River, the Mississippi, the Ohio River, the Tennessee and the Tom Bigbee to Mobile AL. After exploring both the west and east coasts of Florida, we started the second half of the trip.

Our return to Michigan took us along the Intracoastal Waterway to Atlantic City, NJ. From there we went "outside" and continued via the Atlantic to New York City. Our trip continued by way of the Hudson River and Lake Champlain into Canada. After visiting Montreal, we followed the St. Lawrence Seaway to Lake Ontario, the Trent Severn Waterway to the Georgian Bay and the North Channel to Lake Huron and on to Lake Michigan.

We made many friends, explored areas of the USA and Canada where we had never been, and started dreaming about our next Great Loop trip. Exactly five years after having completed the Great Loop, we are off again to see more of this beautiful country. Even though we will follow the same route, we will make many stops where we have not been before.

As we did the last time, we again will keep a blog. It will not be as extensive as the last time, but we recommend that you check it every so often. You will not be disappointed.

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